Water Based Ecosystems

Imagine a society where everyone lives together in harmony, working with each other to make their world better! Sounds good doesn’t it? Well that’s how a well balanced ecosystem functions. Any water body man made or otherwise has a carefully balanced ecosystem that if maintained can be beneficial for all.

One of the primary types of aquatic ecosystems is a freshwater ecosystem, which consists of lentic or slow-moving water ecosystems, lotic or fast-moving water ecosystems (rivers and streams) and wetland ecosystems.

Ponds, lakes, artificial water bodies (small and large) are Lentic Ecosystems, which usually further break down into smaller zones or ecosystems including littoral zones, open-water zones and deep-water zones. These ecosystems are rich in fish.

There are the three categories of living organisms whose interaction with each other form an ecosystem: the producers, consumers and decomposers.
Producers consist of green plants that are either floating or suspended or rooted at the bottom. The green plants convert solar energy into chemical energy through photosynthesis. The chemical energy stored in the form of food is utilized by all the organisms. Oxygen evolved by producers in photosynthesis is utilized by all the living organisms in respiration. The consumer consists of various types of fish that are herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Decomposers belong to the third category, and they refer to organisms that transform dead plants and animals into organic materials. The broken down materials go back to soil, and the cycle within an ecosystem begins again.

Aeration is another important part of healthy ecosystems that are often forgotten. They come in many forms; they can be stones that create micro- bubbles at the surface or large fountains that spit water metres into the air.

Aerating a large waterscape is crucial to maintaining its natural beauty; as it leads to clearer cleaner water. The beneficial bacteria that balance an aquatic ecosystem need good oxygenation and circulation for high-quality growth, which in turn breaks down the organic waste at the bottom of the lake at a more successful rate. The abundance of beneficial bacteria inhibits the growth rates of algae, leads to cleaner and clearer water, and of course increases the overall health of the ecosystem for all aquatic life.

Environmental sustainability has taken center stage in today’s world, and water plays an important role as the world’s greatest resource. A pond ecosystem self-sustaining with very little maintenance. Although it takes many gallons of water to fill initially, over the long haul it requires less water than the expanse of lawn it replaced. Water features attract wildlife of all kinds, from birds to butterflies, to frogs and salamanders. A pond provides the opportunity to have fish as pets, without the mess and maintenance of an aquarium. Aquatic plants give you the chance to broaden your gardening horizons with choices that go beyond the standard petunia and rose. In addition, bird lovers will delight in the new variety of feathered friends that flock to a water feature. Nature lovers simply can’t go wrong with water features.

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